Monday, August 30, 2010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Type: Prose
Genre: Novel (Young Adult Fiction)
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Year Published: 2010
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company



This story is about the young vampire we encountered in the book "Eclipse". Her name is Bree Tanner, one of the newborn vampires. She was created not knowing the many interesting and important facts about her kind. Until one day, she learned that her creator is using her and the other newborns as an army against another vampire coven, the Cullens. Too late to escape, she finds herself trapped in the war between the Cullens and her creator. She decided to surrender and is given another chance to live. Unfortunately, this chance to live is only good for a short time because she would still be facing death. Not in the hands of the supposed-to-be-enemies but of the Volturi.


This book is actually a companion novella to the third book in the Twilight series, Eclipse. What is interesting here is that we are taken to the other side of the story. The side of the vampires.

In the Twilight series, what we only read are things from Bella's point of view especially the first three books. Thus, we are not aware on how the vampires really live, how they feel about their situation and what is it like being a vampire. Well, those questions were answered by Bree.

This young vampire, Bree, somehow gives us a glimpse of what Bella Swan would be like in the fourth book, Breaking Dawn. Yet, unlike Bella, her story ends in a tragedy. Her love that hasn't even started has already came to an end. Which leads us to question the author. What really happened to Diego? Why did he just disappear in the scene? Does he really have feelings for Bree?

Actually, there are a lot more questions in the book that were left hanging in the air. If it's intentional, that we do not know. Still, it would be better if they would be answered if not in the same book, maybe in another one.

Short as it was, at least we were able to hear a vampire's point of view this time. How I just wish that next time, it will be Edward Cullen telling the story. I think Stephenie has a book for that. Midnight Sun, right? Well, hope she'll finish and publish it soon.


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