Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Dad

Type: Prose
Genre: Short Story (children's book)
Author: Anthony Browne
Published: 2001
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux



This book is about a young boy who tells us about the great things that his Dad could do. Usually in a brown plaid bathrobe and blue-striped pajamas, this Dad can do just about anything. He is not afraid of the bad wolf, he could swim like a fish, eat like a horse, wrestle with giants, and even walk on a tightrope. For the young boy, his dad is just about the coolest thing ever.


My Dad is a heart-warming and funny book that pays tribute to all fathers out there It shows that every father in the world is always the "Best Dad" in his children's eyes. And whatever big achievement a father achieves, raising his child to be a good person is still the biggest achievement he'll ever have.

This book is a perfect gift for a birthday or even on Father's Day. Though your father is already too old for this kind of read, it will still be a sweet gesture for him to receive a copy of this. The book would able to express to him your appreciation and gratitude for all the love and sacrifices that he has given you especially if you are too shy to say it to him. (Tip: Place a bookmark or post-it at the last page of the book with your note for Dad in it. Surely, he'll be touched.)


George Anderson said... thinks I'll have a gander for this when I hit the bookstore next, as a certain someone's bday is coming up soon. Thanks!

Mobility Aids said...

I have this book and it is brilliant. I completely agree with you - a prefect fathers day gift.

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