Source: "One Hundred Love Poems"

Year Created: 1984
Year Published: 2004
Publisher: The University of the Philippines Press
You Tell Me
You tell me if you had a wife
You wouldn't mind her falling
In love with another, especially
If you left her crying in the night.
You ask me if I want you
To think of no one but me
For you say you'd gladly spend
Your life unraveling a mystery;
Thinking of me, you say,
Is like deciphering a distant star.
And you wouldn't mind
Being used in a poem,
For art you can't refuse.
To err is human
But "human" is no excuse.
To love is natural, the heart
Has its reason, but
The heart is unreasonable
And I am left confused.
So I'd rather cry over him
Than be happy with you;
I'd rather end up
Dreaming and remain a star
You'll always seek and remember
Than sink down and regret
You're like other men
Who make their women cry.
Here's a poem of a woman talking to her suitor. As you can see in the first stanza, the suitor tells the persona that it is fine for a wife to fall in love with another man if the husband doesn't make the wife happy anymore. From here, we start to have a glimpse of the character of the suitor.
In the second stanza, the suitor continues to court the persona, offering her more flattery. He compares her to a star, something far and always remains a mystery.
The third stanza tells us of how the woman feels about the man. Certain sayings like "To err is human" and "The heart has its reason" has been used too.
On the last stanza, the woman finally makes a choice. She tells the man that she'd rather cry over someone she loved and lost than spend time with this man who has a sweet tongue. After all, she realized that she might even regret if she would give him a chance because he might be just like other men.
Truly, this poem is a nice composition suitable for ladies who want to get rid of annoying suitors. Perhaps, it's the same reason why Lanot wrote this poem.
No doubt, great composition. Poet has revealed each and every fact about a lady. She is very confuse about making decision. She has two ways to go but she is not able to choose her way. She is two minded. Likely this poem will be welcomed by ladies. :)
the poem is nice,. its true, in our reality, may mga ngyayari tlga pag nag mhal, lalo na sa past nila,.hirap maka recover lalo na pag nag mhal sila ng sobra,.
This poem is really very heart touching. It is a very interesting creation by Lanot.
thank you for a great poem. Hope that we can see more :x
Having just read the poem by Ninoy Acquino, I pondered the above poem and the date it was written, 1984. That was the time when Martial Law was coming to an end, the writing was very much on the wall for Marcos. Deconstruct the poem only this time consider 'she' is the Philippines talking to Marcos.
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