Genre: Children's Books
Type: Fiction
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

There was this character, something like a pie that is missing a piece. It set off in a journey to find the piece that would fit him. He traveled far and met different kind of pieces until finally he found his match.
"I am not your missing piece. I am nobody's piece. I am my own piece. and even if I was somebody's missing piece, I don't think I'd be yours!"
With those lines above, who would have thought that they actually came from a children's book?
Well, yup they truly are. Shel Silverstein's "The Missing Piece" was created for the young readers. In fact, you could already tell since the book is well illustrated. However, though it was really intended for the young ones, it is still able to convey a message to readers of all ages.
Although classified as a Children's Book, this is one creation perfect not only for kids, kids at heart, but actually for everyone. The illustrations are deceiving but if you read carefully your heart, you'll realize, "Hey, this book is cool. I think I'll keep it coz I'm also looking for a missing piece of me"
Some people who have read this book already said that the story is all about love and finding your match in this world. It's true. But not 100 percent true.
Why? Because it's not just really about finding your one true love.
The Missing Piece here is not just any character like those in fairy tales. Actually it pertains to something else. It maybe "The Right Man", "Perfect Career" or "Happy Family". it could just be anything at all.
So, "The Missing Piece" is generally a symbol of one's dreams and passion. When one finds its missing piece, it will only be the time when he feel contented and fulfilled. But of course, just like in the story, it's a long journey. There will be a lot to meet in the way.
In fact, that's why the book has a sequel. Because the journey doesn't end when you already found happiness. There's a whole lot more.
But I'm not gonna tell you yet. No spoilers for "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O".
Hehehe... Till next review.